Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Update to Winnipesaukee speed limits

Two quick updates on my previous Winnipesaukee speed limit post.

First, here’s a slightly more detailed Associated Press story on the subject.

Secondly, a greater environmental impact of the legislation may involve emissions. The lack of a speed limit attracts large cigarette boats which are less efficient than traditional pleasure craft (and tend to produce larger wakes). Additionally, boats generally obtain better mileage at slower speeds, assuming the vessel has reached plane.

1 comment:

Dan Kennedy said...

I thought it was interesting that the AP did a more comprehensive story than the Union Leader. But the best story may have been this one, in the Concord Monitor, which serves the state capital.

Interesting that you found a way to cast this in environmental terms when the stories emphasized safety. Here's an idea for a follow-up: try to find a Web site that has some information on speedboats and air pollution to support your point that faster boats pollute more.

It would also be interesting to know whether there's any information you could link to that would show how dirty speedboat engines are compared to those in cars.